Translations:Victor of Aveyron/100/en

From Montepedia

One morning, as he was impatiently waiting for the milk, I arranged on a board, that I had the evening before prepared expressly for the purpose, these four letters, L. A. I. T. Madame Guerin, whom I had previously instructed, approaches, looks on the characters, and gives me afterward a bowl full of milk, which I pretended was for my own use. Almost immediately afterward I went up to Victor; I gave him the four letters that I had taken from the board; I pointed to the board with one hand, whilst with the other, I presented him with a vessel full of milk. The letters were immediately replaced, but in an inverted order; so that the word which they formed was TIAL, instead of LA IT. I then marked out the corrections necessary to be made, by pointing with my finger to the letters which were to be transposed, and the place that he ought to give to each; when these changes had reproduced the sign of the thing, I made him wait no longer for it.